First Time at Fenway: Famous Fenway Songs
For all you newbies heading to Fenway this summer, this is for you! Part 1 of this blog covers the need to know famous songs played at Fenway.
Get ready to sing a few songs at Fenway during your visit and make sure your vocal cords are intact for the 7th inning stretch. The 7th inning stretch is where you can belt out a few tunes with the crowd and you’ll feel like a regular in no time.
Leading the seventh-inning stretch is the ballpark favorite “Take Me Out To The Ballgame” When this song plays, instead of saying “root, root, root for the home team” you have to switch home team with our Boston team name. You don’t wanna get evil eyes from the surrounding fans!
Next up is the famous - or infamous song (depending on the fan) "Sweet Caroline." For those of you that don’t know the history of the song Sweet Caroline and its relation to Fenway, I won’t bore you with the gritty details. All you need to know is the song is played at every home game during the middle of the eighth. Make sure you get familiar with these lyrics before you enter the eigth inning because the crowd ALWAYS sings along especially when the song goes: Bah! Bah! Bah! Or hits the lyric “good times never seemed so good" - where fans echo "SO GOOD! SO GOOD! SO GOOD!”
Lastly, but definitely NOT least is "Dirty Water," a Fenway favorite. All Boston baseball fans pray for the sound of “Dirty Water,” the song that has long become an anthem at the park. “Dirty Water” is only played after a WIN at the park. If “Dirty Water” is played at Fenway during your stay, you are in luck! Not only does it spread amazing energy across the park and its fans, but it also signifies that as an outsider, you’ll be safe from any agitated Boston fans looking to drink their losses and start a fight. Just kidding, most fans are well-behaved no matter what the end game results are…well, I take that back. Just make sure you never sport anything resembling a New York Yankees logo to the game. If you dare to wear that shameful logo, be prepared for a guy wearing white & red to give you a nice black & blue!