Learn The Trendy Sport Of Curling At These 5 Massachusetts Rinks
The surprise hit of the 2018 Winter Olympics has been the curling competitions. The fascinating ice-based sport features two teams of four players each who take turns sliding polished granite "rocks" towards a circular target marked on the ice.
While the Games have certainly increased interest in the sport, curling already has quite a following in New England.
Curling offers indoor winter fun, camaraderie, and plenty of exercise. If you are interested in learning more and perhaps taking a lesson, visit one of these five Massachusetts spots currently offering how-to classes.
1. Broomstones Curling Club, Wayland
Kids and adults alike are welcome to attend a Post-Olympic Open House at the Broomstones Curling Club on March 10 from 12:20 to 5 p.m. Participants must preregister and the cost is $15 for ages 13 and up and $10 for kids age 8 to 12.
2. Cape Cod Curling Club in Falmouth
Future curlers will have to wait until the fall to take lessons at this popular club - all of the winter classes haver already sold out! There will be a chance to watch a live event on March 17 when the Cape Cod Curling Club will host the Nantucket Friendly. Interested parties are also welcome to stop by and watch the Olympic events with CCCC's experienced curlers for some helpful commentary!
3. Marlborough Curling Club
This kid-friendly club welcomes curling enthusiasts ages 8 to 108 to learn the fundamentals of the sport at their upcoming “Curl-a-palooza” event on March 4 at the New England Sports Arena. The 40-minute session is $15 for ages 13 and up and $5 for ages 8 to 12.
4. North End Curling Club in Boston
This club is another whose beginner classes have already sold out for the season, but interested parties are welcome to visit the Steriti Memorial Rink in Boston to watch the magic happen!
5. Petersham Curling Club
Established in 1960, the Petersham Curling Club has been teaching people to curl for nearly 60 years! Their learn-to-curl beginner classes are designed for adults and kids as young as 5 and can last up to 3 hours.