New England’s Most Oddly Named Towns State By State
Every state has its share of cities and towns with names that leave you scratching your head. The folks at the quirky real estate blog Estately bring you such hard-hitting listicles as The Complete List of Lewd Sounding Town Names in America and You Won’t Believe The Questions Each State Googles More Than Any Other State .
Recently they also took the time to compile lists of their picks for the weirdest selection of town names in each state.
For example, South Carolina, where I currently reside, boasts the following doozies:
Bear Swamp, Coward, Cowpens, Fingerville, Lake Swamp (which is it?), Mayo, Ninety Six, Old House, Pumpkintown, Spiderweb, Sugar Tit, Welcome, and Wide Awake.
Shout out to our friends in… #cowpens #spartanburg #greenville #travel #grateful
A photo posted by Dianna Talburt (@dee_lowk) on
And the always-original residents of Alaska live in some of the towns below:
Ambler, Badger, Beaver, Chicken, Clam Gulch, Cold Foot, College, Covenant Life, Dead Horse, Eek, Funny River, Livengood, Manley Hot Springs, Mary’s Igloo, Nightmute, North Pole, Red Devil, Russian Mission, Sleetmute, Unalaska, and Woodchopper.
Some of our Old English and Native American town names may seem pretty boring by comparison, but I assure you, each New England state has a few oddballs of its own.
Want to see the weirdest town names for each of the 50 states? Click here.
Happyland, Moosup, Mystic, Old Lyme, Terramuggus
Bald Head, Bath, Friendship, Griswold, Industry, Owls Head, Shady Nook, Strong, Topsham
A photo posted by donna roggenthien (@livingthemainelife) on
Belchertown, Bliss Corner, Braggyville, Braintree, Felchville, Mashpee, Old Furnace, Satans Kingdom, Teaticket, Whately
New Hampshire
Bath, Dummer, Freedom, Stark, Tinkerville
A photo posted by Nate Heathe (@granitestatenate87) on
Rhode Island
Little Compton, Moosup Valley, Woonsocket
A photo posted by Richie Kime (@dicky_kime_) on
Bread Loaf, Cozy Corner, Mosquitoville, South Hero
Did Estately leave out any of your favorites? Let us know!
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