Peyton Manning, Boston Celtics team up together

Peyton Manning, Boston Celtics team up together

As a Boston sports fan, this is the kind of thing that gives you mixed emotions, so let's try to break it down.

OK. Boston Celtics good. We are supposed to like them and why not? They're a great basketball team with a rich tradition in the city. Peyton Manning? We have been conditioned to believe he is bad and evil and all of that stuff. He played quarterback for two teams that the New England Patriots were rivals with or, rather, him and Tom Brady were rivals.

But you know what? Manning seems like a good enough guy and Brady is clearly going to go down in history as having the more successful career of the two, so yeah. He's not really a threat anymore; he's more just the guy in the Papa John's commercials at this point (not even sure if he does those anymore since I haven't seen him on one in a long time).

OK. Now that we got that out of the way, it might fancy you to know that Manning and the Celtics linked up in Denver recently. That's right; it was a collaboration of the elite. So what would the Celtics need with a retired NFL quarterback with a fivehead? Well, he played football, so he too is pretty good at breaking down film. So yeah, he was helping the Celtics break down film, according to multiple reports.

Kyrie Irving weighed in on the situation to NBC Boston as well. He told them, “It’s great, man. He’s a championship winner, unbelievable preparer of the game. He was doing it for so long, thinking about the injuries he had to endure. It was great to see him just come and talk to your team, being in Denver and just having an echelon of greatness coming and talking, there’s nothing like it.”

So yeah, thank you, Peyton Manning. Very cool!

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