Red Sox Weren’t Kidding: Pablo Sandoval was Hurt — Badly
Plot twist: Pablo Sandoval was actually hurt — really bad.
Sandoval met with Boston media yesterday and honestly, they owe him an apology.
“People say that I was faking,” he told the scrum of people who probably don’t like him that much. “You said I was faking, the team was faking because they put me on the DL. I don’t fake at all.”
Clearly, these guys were stupid to jump the gun because he wouldn’t fake missing a whole season. And he underwent surgery on a torn labrum. That has to be one of the most brutal injuries in baseball. And when guys try to play through it, bad things happen.
One has to wonder how long Sandoval had been trying to play with a torn labrum because since coming to Boston, he really hasn’t looked like Pablo Sandoval.
He’s fat? So what? He’s always been fat. Baseball is also the only one of the four major sports where a guy can pack a fat bean of grizz green and still do well. And yes, Sandoval is a huge dipper.
The injury will definitely be tough for Sandoval to shake and even without him, the Red Sox have been in pretty good shape. No, that was not a stab at Sandoval’s weight. That would be fat-shaming and this is 2016 where offending someone is a felony.
Sandoval will pop back up in 2017 as a factor and David Ortiz out of the way, there will be room for Sandoval, Shaw, Ramirez and Holt to play.
So yeah, those who thought it was Pablo Sandoval’s sweet escape, it wasn’t. But that reminds me:
When Sandoval comes back next year, he’ll still be under scrutiny. Right now, there’s nothing he can do to stop the feeling — which also reminds me:
Too much? OK, I’ll stop now. The end.